Automation - More to Come
Just to give you a brief overview as we construct this page.
-www.profileflex.com 100% Flexlink IDENTICAL system > 25% less expensive. Please download HERE
-Bung ( 2 and 4 axes) and Spout inserters
-Palletisers. 6 axis robots, Long stroke linear robots and more. Cobots too.
-Fully automatic bagging machines, with speed up to 34,000 bottle per hour on 1 bagger depending on an 800ml bottle
( Productive Sytems www.productivesystems.co.za) + wadding machine and 2-3 clsure assembly machines.
- Prodcutive systems gallery https://productivesystems.co.za/gallery/
- Pre-label cooling tables with and wihout conveyors, and collating systems, made by us.
-Blow and injection IML ( Economical and high technology with vision systems).
-Take-outs ( ASB by us, Aoki by Pacwel).
-Pressure sensitive labelers.
-Shrink labeling machines to 600 bottles per minute and more ( https://www.profilesolutionsusa.com/china-shousong/ )
On a larger project for jerrycans, we supplied 4 take-outs, 3 rotators, 3 bung inserters , 8) of conveyors, a CNC mulit-axis dispoable dust cap placer, and a Kuka KR 120 t palletise on to 4 pallest ( many SKU's at the same time) and use one gipper for all the variation. Click here to see a small part of ot it HERE
We work with a number of strategic partners to try and provide more complete solutions.
Some information for download.
-Our general brochure , see pages 6&& , download HERE.
-Our Slideshare PowerPoint overview , from 2018 download HERE