In-Line Bottle Weighing
Solutions for checking the weight of bottles at rates of up to 110 bottles per minute. The solution offered is made by another company and modified by us to improve bottle handling.
We have the ability to make an in-line weigh checker for rates of up to 30-40 bottles per minute with good accuracy by interfacing our controller and building the special type conveyer with a equipment supplied to us with the appropriate load cells and controllers from a local weighing specialist who supply weighing solutions for weighing everything from peanuts to 18 wheel trucks.
However we suggest the solution from the company below, why because they are so well made. Also to do the above by us would not save a lot of money.
ANRITSU is the largest manufacturer in the world of weigh checkers and are very economical and represent high value for money with a high specification.
Also units purchased via us are still backed by the local agent in your region because of ANRITSU’S international warranty policy.
They can be offered with their standard high/low reject system or a unit attached to the leak detector either upstream or down stream of the test head made by ourselves to save a bit on cost.
The unit below with the handling modifications discussed above and with the standard separate high and low eject unit cost around $AUD 20,000 – 25,000 depending on options ($AUD 1-00 = $USD 0.58 as at the 15/5/2000) which can weigh bottles from 10 – 1200 with and accuracy of +/- 0.3 grams for containers up to 400 grams at high speed (>110 bottles/min) and containers up to 1200 grams at lower speeds (40-80 bottles/min).
They have solutions for heavier containers too.
If your rates are not high we can also push a bottle on and off our conveyor onto a stationary weigh scale and eject it under the test head if it is not with-in specification.